Understand bullying to stop it

Understand bullying to stop it

No one likes a bully. If you ask anyone, they will tell you that bullying is bad, and we should all work to prevent it. But if you go on to ask what should be done to stop bullying, you may not get a ready answer. I would argue, that prevention starts with asking...
The Healing Benefits of Forgiving

The Healing Benefits of Forgiving

When we forgive, we can begin to heal. That’s a powerful statement when you are thinking about people who have been severely wronged. Whether your feelings have been hurt or you have suffered at the hands of a physical abuser, learning how to forgive them can be key...
Imagine the Possibilities

Imagine the Possibilities

What’s possible? There are many entrepreneurs in the world. Especially since coming through COVID, we find so many people wanting to own their own destiny. But they don’t know where to start or how to get the first piece done. Or, they won’t allow themselves to dream...