Give Dry January a Try

Give Dry January a Try

Dry January! What? A month-long journey of no alcohol?! Yes. A month without alcohol. As a health and wellness coach, I argue that 30 days of abstinence carries benefits beyond the obvious and can support your goals for making positive changes in 2025. The observance...
Consider the possibilities

Consider the possibilities

As a health and wellness coach, I stay open to possibility. Often the client comes to me with a specific, large goal in mind and they are tied to that particular result. I like to challenge them a bit to relax that stranglehold on the result and think about a larger...
Strive to be a sunflower

Strive to be a sunflower

August 3 was National Sunflower Day!! I love sunflowers and find they always make me happy, standing tall, facing the sun. Sunflowers resonate with me as, in my mind, they reflect some of the lessons I try to teach as a health and wellness coach. Sunflowers, with...