by Renee Schofield | Feb 4, 2025 | Blog Posts, Coaching Matters, Self-Care
As I was writing an article to raise awareness about American Heart Month, I realized that I have really slacked off on many of the things that are potential risk factors for my heart, all while being acutely aware of my family’s long history with heart disease....
by Renee Schofield | Jan 3, 2025 | Blog Posts, Self-Care
Dry January! What? A month-long journey of no alcohol?! Yes. A month without alcohol. As a health and wellness coach, I argue that 30 days of abstinence carries benefits beyond the obvious and can support your goals for making positive changes in 2025. The observance...
by Renee Schofield | Dec 8, 2024 | Blog Posts, Wellness
For many, one of the season’s major stressors is our obsession with finding the perfect gift. Although gift-giving is a joyful activity, full of best intentions, it can also take its toll on the gift-giver. Putting aside the normal holiday frenzy, the fact that...
by Renee Schofield | Nov 4, 2024 | Blog Posts, Self-Care, Wellness
Everybody is looking for balance. Clients tell me that they feel their life is out of balance, off-kilter, and out of whack. They will often say that they don’t even have time to think about it. That, right there, is a great clue that they are not prioritizing their...
by Renee Schofield | Oct 4, 2024 | Blog Posts, Self-Care, Wellness
In our high-tech society, news travels fast. We get in the moment information instantaneously. That can be a great thing but can also be extremely stressful for some. We know that all parties have their own thoughts on various issues, and we know that they will, most...
by Renee Schofield | Sep 3, 2024 | Blog Posts, Coaching Matters
As a health and wellness coach, I stay open to possibility. Often the client comes to me with a specific, large goal in mind and they are tied to that particular result. I like to challenge them a bit to relax that stranglehold on the result and think about a larger...
by Renee Schofield | Aug 5, 2024 | Coaching Matters, Wellness
August 3 was National Sunflower Day!! I love sunflowers and find they always make me happy, standing tall, facing the sun. Sunflowers resonate with me as, in my mind, they reflect some of the lessons I try to teach as a health and wellness coach. Sunflowers, with...
by Renee Schofield | Jul 1, 2024 | Blog Posts, Self-Care, Wellness
Every one of us will experience a challenge in our lifetime. Most of us, many. How we choose to tackle the challenge will largely determine the outcome. When we choose to look at each challenge as an opportunity, they become a bit less intimidating. We can then work...
by Renee Schofield | Jun 4, 2024 | Blog Posts, Self-Care
It’s graduation season! From kindergarten to college, graduates are everywhere. We recently attended a high school graduation for our oldest granddaughter. Our auditorium was full of well-wishers for the 100+ students capping their high school careers. It’s an...
by Renee Schofield | May 2, 2024 | Blog Posts, Coaching Matters, Wellness
WHOA….Coaching is available to help me get control of my money? It sure is. As a coach, I am not a physician or a magician, but I can support you in creating systems and finding ways to overcome your financial issues. Did you know that approximately 60% of employed...