National Nutrition Month has been celebrated in March for the past 50 years. Typically, the theme for this month revolves around how and what we eat, how to be creative with our diets, and the teaching and learning about fuel for the human body.
The 2024 theme for Nutrition Month is “Beyond the Table”, a focus on farm-to-table resources. This will look different for us depending on our geographical location. Many of us are anxiously awaiting spring temperatures for garden planting, while others in warm weather destinations are enjoying the bounties of tropical fruits and vegetables.
Communities are working hard to improve food security for residents by hosting farmers’ markets regularly, even in locations where gardening might be challenging. A farmers’ market that shares ANY fresh product will improve the diet of those who can partake in the consumption. We can’t grow everything in our own gardens, but through a farmer’s market we can take advantage of what our neighbors are growing.
Maybe your garden produces great green onions, but not raspberries, so perhaps bartering with another will work well for you. Or perhaps you have chickens and have extra eggs to sell at a market. That’s why farmers’ markets are a win-win for communities that have them. Even flowers are great farmers’ market items. So grab some seeds and get growing!
The website is a great learning resource! I especially enjoy the nutrition by life stages section. It’s a great place to learn more about nutritional needs, and other factors that influence our food selections at different times of our lives. Go check it out!
To get you started on a nutrition-rich month, here are 20 tips from the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. (Click here to download the PDF)