As a health and wellness coach, I stay open to possibility. Often the client comes to me with a specific, large goal in mind and they are tied to that particular result. I like to challenge them a bit to relax that stranglehold on the result and think about a larger picture. It is not always necessary, but I do find that what they think is their big goal, is really just a comfortable spot to land. I operate from a place of “If it doesn’t scare you, it isn’t big enough.” We can all do easy. We can all stay inside the lines and get things done if we work the plan. But what if the plan could be larger, more beautiful, and if it could achieve more for yourself and others? Just what if you could do more? I love coaching and helping folks WIN and WIN BIG.
I have done the work with my own coach and felt the push and pull of my own fears, and then the freedom of releasing that fear and seeing the possibilities. You can too. It happens between the “I am sure I cannot” and the little tiny voice inside of you that says, “Could I maybe?” That is where your power lies. Find a book, listen to a podcast, work with a coach, whatever avenue helps you grow, DO THAT.
Recently, I asked a new staff member to read Jon Gordon’s book, The Energy Bus, and also recommended Gordon’s The Coffee Bean. Gordon has a way of writing stories that resonate with what is happening in your head, heart and soul. His books help you to get out of your own way. This staff member called me at home after reading these books with absolute joy about discovering new possibilities and a readiness to jump in and start mapping out her future. THAT is what happens when you support each other and remain open to possibility.
You never know when you are going to find a way to unlock a great goal. And likely something you never thought possible.